Unknown facts about UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi

As chairperson of UPA, she is considered to be a very firm and strong lady, kudos to Sonia Gandhi who has always emerged as a savior for the Congress party but deep inside her heart, she is a woman who gets pleasure and happiness from small things. Very few are familiar with this facet of Sonia Gandhi. Here are ten unknown facts about this elegant lady:

1. She is very particular about keeping her home neat and clean. She often does the dusting of her room herself, especially before important meetings.

2. She is well-versed in nine different languages which include French and German.

3. She was very fond of her mother-in-law, Indira Gandhi and used to call her mummy. A month after Sonia’s marriage to Rajiv, when her mother was returning to Italy, she felt very nostalgic. Her mother-in-law sent her letter which atated that they all loved her very much. This gesture of Indira won Sonia’s heart forever.

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