Internet is definitely greatest invention of 20th century. Now days people can communicate faster through the internet, receive and send mails, buy and sell goods, play online games and talk with each other using different internet programs. Internet resources help people get latest news and improve knowledge by providing access to online libraries.
Firstly internet is used at home by almost every family, especially in Canada, where a lot of people immigrated from different parts of the world leaving their family and friends. Internet is the easiest, fastest and sometimes the only way to communicate with dearest people that are far away. Sometimes it’s impossible to call them because of time difference, but we are always updated with their news, can see their pictures and feel much closer to them. Internet definitely helps immigrants to communicate in new country, providing information about new culture, new language.
Secondly internet is a great educational resource. Many people nowadays can afford studying even if they are located far away from any school or university. A lot of colleges provide online courses which help these students to get the desired information that was unfordable before. Moreover there are a lot of online libraries, encyclopedias and dictionaries, so every person can always find any information they want.

Internet news also helps businessmen to be updated with latest currency exchange rate, stock market. A lot of businesses find that advertising in the internet is much cheaper and more effective.Internet has become the most important part in our everyday life. It brought different cultures together, educated many people and it contributes everyday life.