What’s your New Year resolution?

As the next year knocking at our doorstep what promises do you have to make to your coming year? As we all make commitments to our self to pick up one bad habit and flush it out of our life. New Year resolution has become one of the important part of the New Year Celebration. 

How to make a New Year resolution

Even though most of us make New Year resolutions but very few out of the lot actually think about what they want from the coming year. Most of us just follow the herd and make resolution without planning or thinking about it much. These are the poor or the bad New Year resolutions. Therefore these are few tips which you can follow to make your New Year resolutions successful. 

Pragmatic Promise: When it comes to making a promise, we make promises that are unrealistic and the possibility of achieving it is really low. This is the primary reason for failure in achieving New Year resolutions.

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