Tips for Handling Hostility at Workplace

Each workplace comprisesindividuals from different upbringing, background and personalities. Since each one of us is different in so many ways,working together is bound to result in conflict and misunderstanding.Although minor disagreements are common, there is always a possibility of work place environment becoming hostile.

Hostility may arise due to various reasons, including jealousy over position and pay, stressful profile, personal insecurities etc. A hostile work environment can be hard to deal with for an employee. Most individuals are unable to last in such an environment, much less thrive there. Working in a hostile environment has a negative impact on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of employees, too. It not only generates feelings of frustration and anger but also restricts a person from giving his best to the organisation.
The first step towards handling workplace hostility is to acknowledge and accept its presence. Being in a denial mode about the negative treatment in office will further aggravate the stress associated with it.
Be vocal
Speak up instead of suffering the hostility in silence. While many people prefer to keep quiet, it only makes them an easy target for everyone. Be prepared to deal with hostility by defending your actions, expressing displeasure or bringing it to the notice of the HR. Letting your voice heard will make people realise that you are not willing to be a scapegoat.
Keep your cool
Learn to remain calm and composed even in extremely irritating situations. Practice meditation or indulge in deep breathing exercises to avoid reacting to insensitive comments. Give yourself time to cool off before responding to an annoying e-mail or escalating a matter. Don't get drawn into an argument, instead say only a few words and get back to work.
Focus on the positive
Focus energies on the task at hand rather than mulling over the negativity and hostility around. It will not only divert attention from the unpleasantness but also highlight your skills and capabilities. Most importantly keep reminding yourself the reasons for taking up the job in the first place. It will give strength to survive each day and put up with the negativity.
Professional approach
Be professional and courteous despite being subjected to hostility at workplace. Avoid stooping to the offender's level by showing aggression either through words or body language. Keep your tone low and refrain from using profanity or insults since it would only worsen the situation.
Make an effort
Make an effort to resolve the misunderstandings or problems immediately rather than let them blow up. Approach the person concerned and listen to his point of view with an open mind.Exchange ideas about the various ways to solve the problem and finally work out a mutually decided solution.

Support network
Develop a support network at office to shareexperiences and gain perspective on issues. Having a strong professional relationship with a fellow worker gives a sense of encouragement and support. Like minded co-workers can help ward off feelings of isolation and loneliness in addition tosharing work load. Moreover, knowing that there are individuals in the organisation one can depend on gives the confidence to face detractors.
No gossip
Avoid engaging in workplace gossip since it only worsens the hostile environment. Draw a clear line between professional and personal life to make things easier at work. More than usual unnecessary socialisation in office leads to information being misinterpreted and misconstrued.

Plan B
Finally stay on the look out for alternate options outside the organisation. Despite all efforts there is always a possibility of the situation not improving and getting unbearable. Update your resume, develop skills and obtain additional qualifications to improve your chances of getting a better job. Network through professional associations and revive old contacts to find to a new job as soon as possible.

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