For those of you observing Lent, the long slog of abstinence and reflection that also coincides with the last of the winter chill in the northern hemisphere will soon be over with the chocolate, feasting and springtime blooms of Easter.
1. Virtuous in ArgentinaEaster Sunday in Argentina consists of consuming and sharing eggs as well as the special Easter cake, Rosca de Pascua. Tradition holds that people exchange eggs not only with their family.
2. Greece
The Greek Orthodox Church follows the Byzantine calendar, so this year's Orthodox Easter Sunday takes place on April 15. In Athens, Good Friday marks the first main event where a replica of Christ's tomb is carried through town.
3. Lebanon
Visitors will notice the ornately decorated streets, shops and restaurants filled with all things Easter from bunnies to chocolate, painted eggs and even live baby chicks in some places. Good Friday is marked by mass.
4. Scotland
Easter in Scotland is a mostly laid-back event. The Scots do the traditional things commonly associated with Easter like attending mass and having a big meal, but they also add a bit of fun, particularly for the kids.
5. Seville, Spain
Seville in Andalucia is the most famed Spanish region for Easter celebrations. It has 52 different religious brotherhoods whose members parade through the streets for the entire Holy Week manifesting the crucifixion.
6. Sweden
Humor-filled celebrations commence on Easter Saturday with children dressing up as good witches setting the Easter mood by giving out letters and cards in return for eggs, sweets and coins.
7. France
Church bells ring every day of the year except for the three days of Easter. Legend has it that the reason the bells stop ringing is because they've made a trip to Rome in order to be blessed.
8. Germany
Easter Baskets are the main tradition in Germany where each child receives a basket put together by their parents, containing not only eggs and chocolate, but also toys and other gifts. The baskets are hidden in the back garden and the kids have to hunt for it after church on Easter Sunday.
9. United States
Apart from dressing up in one's Sunday best and heading off to church on Easter Sunday, Easter in the US is, unsurprisingly, dominated by candy and chocolate. Various popular brands release a special line of sweet treats available only for the Easter period including Easter colored
10. Canada
Food, festivals and fun in general are the things that make up Canadian Easter celebrations. Those who are religious may attend church, but even those who aren't partake in the festivities, which include putting on Easter plays, special songs, holding spring festivals and even winter festivals to signify the start of Lent and decorate with Easter lilies and the famous bunnies.