Finally it’s time to announce upcoming movie Raula Pai Gaya - Fun Unlimited starring Ravinder Grewal. The movie is home production of Ravinder Grewal under his banner RG Productions. The film is directed by Atharv Baluja, who has made a name for himself with a number of very creative Punjabi Music Videos.
Surbhi Jyoti is acting in the female lead opposite Grewal. Rest of the star cast includes Jaswinder Bhalla, Binnu Dhillon, B N Sharma, Sardar Sohi, Kartar Cheema, Maninder Vaily, Yaad Grewal, Daman Gill and the new comer Parjesh Kapil.
Film’s music has been given by Ravinder Grewal himself. Rahul Bajaj is the editor and Atharv Baluja along with Umesh Kumar is the cinematographer. Ranjit Bal is the chief AD.
It’s the film, with which Punjabi Portal has been closely involved. Atharv Baluja, the director and the mind behind the film is a regular member of Punjabiportal. Secondly, film’s screenplay and dialogues have been written by Bobby Sandhu. Another aspect is that one of PP’s moderators and long time member Robbie Singh has worked on the film’s production crew and he was handpicked by Atharv Baluja from Punjabiportal. Also the female lead Surbhi, who is a known TV Anchor on ETC Punajbi was auditioned trough PP.
The film has been shot entirely in Punjab, with most of the shoot taking place at Ludhiana, Patiala and Chandigarh. One of the song sequences has been shot in Goa as well.
The film’s plot is a classic comedy of errors where one situation leads to another and the resulting chaos creates humor. The movie is specifically targeted on youth and is a pure commercial entertainer. The motive behind the film is to provide entertainment to the audience and give them their money’s worth.