Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today felicitated the 15-member Girls' Cultural Troupe for capturing two top positions in Folk Dance and Music competitions in the world famous Llangollen International Musical Concert held recently in Eisteddfod of North Wales (UK).
Members of the cultural troupe from Dasmesh Girls College of Education, especially called on Mr Badal here this morning and shared their experiences with him. Lauding the spectacular achievement of these girls with humble rural background, he said they had not only done Punjab proud, but also the country through this rare feat.
Their outstanding contribution in folk dance and music at international fora would go a long way in inspiring the local budding artistes who could be further groomed for such world music competitions, he added. Mr Badal also congratulated the management of the college for their stupendous efforts for talent hunt amongst the girl students to propagate the legacy of the rich cultural heritage. It was a great opportunity to showcase the traditional folklore at an International Festival in which 50 countries participated, he said.
Llangollen International Musical Festival in Eisteddfod (UK) is held every year under the Chief Patronage of Prince Charles to establish peace and harmony among the different nations across the globe. This year it was held from July 5 to 10 at North Wales (UK) in which 50 countries had participated in different cultural competitions. |