Puerto Rican boxer shot dead

 Puerto Rican boxer Juan Alberto “El Puma” Gonzalez Vazquez died on Wednesday at a San Juan hospital after a shooting.

The 22-year-old athlete was shot Tuesday night while riding his motorcycle in the town of Toa Baja, northwest of the Puerto Rican capital.

Another man, identified as Javier Joel Perez Santana, 25, was wounded in the incident.

Gonzalez built up a record of 11-0 since making his debut in 2009 at 135 pounds in a bout with Edwin Galarza that El Puma won by KO in the 3rd round.

What turned out to be Gonzalez’s last fight was a March 12 clash in Las Vegas with Jeremy McLaurin. The Puerto Rico prevailed by TKO in the eighth round. EFE


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