If You Do n't Stop Living Your Life sentence Why You Should Stop Loving!

"Love" A Small Word... But This Word Has The Power To Principle The World. It's A Great Feeling To Be In Love. The Most Imp Question "Have You Ever Been In 'Love' Before? ? . ." Some Would Say Yes To It And Some No.. The Person Who Is In Love Has The Most Beautiful Life sentence To Live. He Is The Most Powerful Person On The Planet.

Journeying Of "Lovemaking" Is Like The Journeying Of Life sentence. If You Do n't Stop Living Your Life sentence Why You Should Stop Loving! ! Love Can Be Defined As The Bond Between Two Individual Who Come Close By Gods Wish But Stay Together By Their Wish. It Was Because Of Love That Hug drug And Eve Came On This Earth. But In Today's World Love Has Got The Different Substance. Some Say Making love Is A Lust. And Some Say Lovemaking Is Life sentence! ! .

"Love Is Like Expiry, Can Strike Anytime, Anywhere". 

Love Is Living In The Feeling Rather Then Living Off The Feeling. "Life sentence Is Beautiful". Life Becomes Beautiful Because Of Sexual love... Today Also Some People Say Making love Is The Most Common Thing. One Can Agree Upon This If This If That Love Is True And Fair On Both The Side. Sky Is The Limit For Love ... One Cannot Know The Limit Of The Sky Similarly One Cannot Know The Limit Of Love .

 Love Is Not Guarded By Any One , Love Is The Wonderful Gift Given By One Individual To Other.Love runs through our united life like a stream, and because it has been a great irrigating force, the days are always green. We have had little barrenness, whether of the mind or the spirit. Because we have loved each other as unselfishly as is humanly possible, we find it natural to love our fellow man. We are not saints. Human behavior is sometimes unforgivable. We do not condone the great crimes against peoples or the little crimes individually perpetrated. It is difficult to pardon them. 

It is difficult not to ask revenge or punishment. But there was one who had compassion in His heart for the multitude and for the sinner. We do not presume to measure our very human attitude against the blinding divinity of that great spirit, but love calls out in our hearts for compassion, for understanding.

We believe in man’s innate goodness, as much as we believe in a child’s natural innocence. We believe that the achievements of man are greater than his failures. We believe in man’s essential goodness, in his soul’s aspiration, whether toward his god or in search of an answer to his being. 

At night, or at other quiet times, reading the great books, listening to the great music, we are moved to believe that all being is longing after something—a cry from the deepest recesses of the heart. But it does not seem to answer, except that we believe, and many do not, and they are most lost. Shall we not, then, have compassion upon them?

We believe in this—we, two people, united in a long marriage that has been marked by love and understanding. We have neither fame nor wealth and are known to a very small number of people. We are obscure and of the great majority.

But we have known love and found it good, and we have tried to live compassionately and to be just to our fellow man. And when someday we shall separate, as we indeed must, the one who remains will grieve and be sad, but the power of love will act as a strong and continuing will to live and to marvel at the unceasing wonder of life and the universe.

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